How To Find A New Job While You're Employed

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Looking for a new job while you've still got one might feel like you're walking a tightrope. You're aiming to land a better opportunity without causing any waves where you currently work. It's a tricky situation, for sure.

How do you keep your search quiet but effective, ensuring you're ready to jump when the right offer comes along, all without your current boss getting any wiser?

Let's get into the practical tips and strategies for job hunting on the down-low, making sure you can transition to that next great role smoothly.

Quickstart Guide To Finding A New Job While Employed

  1. Update your resume. Kick things off by giving your resume a fresh update. Consider tapping into resume writing service to make sure it shines.
  2. Discover Your Advantages. Discover your unique strengths with the Advantage Mapping Course! Sign up now to uncover your advantages and leverage them for career success.
  3. Explore opportunities on job posting sites. Don't forget to check out job posting sites, with ZipRecruiter being a top choice. It's a straightforward way to see who's hiring and to get your updated resume in front of the right eyes.

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How To Find A New Job While You're Employed

If you're ready to start looking for your next opportunity while you're still employed, here are some tips.

Always Be Networking

Always. Be. Networking. But networking implies some tit for tat transaction. My networking is about building real relationships, showing value, and being there with your skills, talents and abilities for others. When you do that, the opportunities come to you.

Talk and share online. Take those conversations offline. Have coffee (or tea like me). Invest in relationships. Not when you need them, but all the time. Do this and you'll be shocked at how opportunities find you.

Be Discrete

Being discreet while searching for a new job when you're already employed is crucial for a handful of reasons. For starters, it helps maintain a positive relationship with your current employer and colleagues. You don't want to burn bridges or create an awkward work environment by letting everyone know you're planning to jump ship before you're ready to make the move.

Plus, job searches can be unpredictable. If your current boss catches wind that you're looking elsewhere but then your search takes longer than expected, it could put you in a tricky spot, potentially affecting your current job stability or chances for advancement.

Keeping your job hunt under wraps allows you to control the narrative, ensuring you can leave on your own terms and timing, ideally with a new offer in hand. It's all about playing it smart and making sure you're the one steering your career ship.

Apply, Search and Research On Personal Devices

This may seem obvious, but apply, search and research new opportunities on personal devices, not work devices. It's also smart to do this on your own time.

Using your own personal devices and applying for jobs on your own time will help you leave a favorable impression with your current employer.

My favorite job posting site to search for opportunities is ZipRecruiter. You can apply for jobs with just 1 click and it's always free for job seekers. For more information, check out our ZipRecruiter review.

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Build Your Trampoline

Personal finance gurus all talk about "a safety net." I hate that. A safety net only helps you when you're in trouble. A proper savings system can also be an offensive strategy to propel your growth.

Aim to have 6 months of cash in the bank. If you can't do that, start figuring out how to generate side income and use that as your savings vehicle.

Having savings gives you options to propel your growth or help if you need to take time off between jobs.

Curate A Resilient Mind

Resilience is an attitude of "I can handle anything." To get there, we have to undo a lot of our societal programming that tells us to optimize for one outcome or be efficient and productive all the time.

Here's the truth: optimized systems break easily when any uncertainty is introduced.

So here are some helpful mindset shifts to consider on your way to building a resilient mind:

  1. One → Many
  2. Narrow → Wide
  3. Scared → Excited
  4. Skill → Advantage
  5. Thinking → Feeling
  6. Knower → Explorer
  7. Passion → Purpose
  8. Outcome → Process
  9. Optimized → Resilient
  10. Productive → Selective
  11. Perfectionist → Experimentalist

Update Your Resume

Updating your resume while you're still employed is a smart move for several reasons. First, it allows you to capture your most recent accomplishments and responsibilities while they're fresh in your mind, ensuring your resume is as detailed and accurate as possible. Being employed also gives you the leverage to be selective about new opportunities, allowing you to tailor your resume to positions that truly interest you and align with your career goals.

Additionally, having an up-to-date resume means you're always ready to seize unexpected opportunities that may arise, whether it's a recruiter reaching out or a chance encounter that leads to a job offer.

In essence, keeping your resume current while employed positions you strategically in the job market, making it easier to transition smoothly and confidently when the right opportunity comes along.

For help with your resume, I highly recommend working with a resume writing service.

Update Your LinkedIn Profile

Updating your LinkedIn profile while you're still punching the clock is a smart move for a bunch of reasons. It keeps your professional achievements and current gig right up to date, showing off your latest skills and experiences to anyone who might be looking, like potential employers or recruiters. This way, you're more likely to catch the eye of folks offering jobs that really match what you're after.

Plus, having your profile polished and ready to go makes it easier to connect with others in your field, from peers to industry bigwigs. It's like keeping the door open for opportunities to find you, all without waving a big flag to your current boss that you're looking around.

If you need help crafting your LinkedIn profile, check out these LinkedIn profile writing services.

Things To Avoid While You Are Employed And Searching For A New Job

Here are some things to avoid while you search for a job when you are still employed:

  • Don't Post Your Resume on Job Boards Publicly: Making your resume available on job boards can alert your current employer to your job search. Instead, opt for direct applications or use networking to find new opportunities.
  • Avoid Using Company Resources for Your Job Search: Searching for a new job on your company's time or with its equipment (like computers and internet connection) is risky. It's not only unethical but could lead to immediate termination if discovered.
  • Don't Neglect Your Current Responsibilities: Slacking off in your current role can harm your reputation and professional relationships. Continue to perform at your best to ensure a positive reference from your current employer.
  • Avoid Telling Untrusted Colleagues: While it might be tempting to share your plans with coworkers, word can easily spread. Only discuss your job search with trusted individuals outside of your workplace.
  • Don't Schedule Interviews During Work Hours: If possible, schedule interviews before or after work, or during your lunch break. This minimizes the risk of conflicts with your current job responsibilities.
  • Don't Use Your Work Email for Job Search Communications: Always use a personal email account for your job search activities. Using your work email can compromise both your current position and your search efforts.
  • Avoid Being Complacent: Just because you're looking for a new job doesn't mean you should stop seeking opportunities to grow and excel in your current role. Continue to invest in your professional development.

By steering clear of these pitfalls, you can maintain your professionalism and integrity while securing your next job opportunity.

The Bottom Line

Navigating the job search waters while still employed can be a stealth operation, but with the right approach, it's entirely possible to land your next great opportunity without jeopardizing your current position. By updating your resume, networking, and leveraging job posting sites like ZipRecruiter, you're setting yourself up for success. Remember, the key is to move discreetly but confidently, keeping your eyes on the prize while maintaining your professional integrity.

Ready to take the leap? Start your discreet job search on ZipRecruiter today and get closer to the career you've been dreaming of.