Work With Me

Let's Break New Ground Together

Whether through 1:1 coaching, group sessions, or sharing insights on stages and airwaves, the goal remains the same: to empower you to break from the ordinary and craft a life and career that truly resonate with who you are and aspire to be.

Ready to take the first step? Connect with me and let's start the conversation that could change everything.



As a keynote speaker, I bring the essence of Unbreakable to your events, weaving my journey from corporate confines to entrepreneurial liberation into compelling narratives that inspire action. Expect a blend of insightful storytelling, practical wisdom, and an infectious passion for embracing risk and finding one's true calling. Send me an email to learn more.


Engage with me in meaningful conversations that cut through the clutter, reaching straight to the core of building a purpose-driven life. As a podcast guest, I delve deep into the realms of career transition, personal development, and the art of breaking limits, all while infusing each discussion with humor, depth, and an unconventional flair.

But the dialogue doesn't end there. As the host of The Break Podcast, I curate and lead conversations that matter, featuring a diverse lineup of guests who bring their unique insights, stories, and strategies for breaking through personal and professional barriers. Each episode is a journey into the possibilities that unfold when we dare to break free from the conventional, offering listeners both the inspiration and the tools to forge their own paths.

Amplify Your Podcast with Unbreakable Insights

Whether you're looking for a guest to bring a fresh, impactful perspective to your show or seeking inspiration from the stories and strategies shared on The Break Podcast, let's connect. Reach out to me to explore how we can collaborate and inspire your audience to break through their limits.


The Career Design Lab

I help corporate employees BREAK job dependence and design Self-Directed Careers for freedom, family and finances. See more on my Coaching page.

Not ready for 1:1? Check out the Advantage Mapping Course

Creator (advertising)

If your brand wants to reach an audience of upwardly mobile, motivated and change-oriented professionals in the 18-45-year-old demographic, then you’ve come to the right place.

I create content across the internet including:

  • Written article/blog: ~45,000 readers per month
  • Newsletter: ~14,000 subscribers
  • LinkedIn: 1,800 followers
  • YouTube: ~5,000 views per month
  • Podcast: Top 1% Global Rank
  • TikTok
  • Instagram

We work with you to create custom topics and content across mediums. Successful partners include ZipRecruiter,, WP Engine, and TopStack Resume. Send me an email to discuss potential partnerships.