How To Hire A Registered Nurse: A Guide for Healthcare Employers

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Do you need to hire a Registered Nurse (RN)? Learn everything you need to know about registered nurse job descriptions, where to find RNs, and the skills you should look for. 

Hiring a registered nurse (RN) can be a challenging task for healthcare providers, especially in today's competitive job market. With an increasing demand for quality healthcare services, it is essential to find the right candidate who can provide exceptional care to patients. Whether you are looking to hire a full-time RN or a part-time one, it is crucial to understand the qualities and skills that make a great RN.

To find the right RN candidate, healthcare providers can use various resources, such as job boards, staffing agencies, and social media platforms. They can also use various strategies, such as writing an effective job description, conducting detailed interviews, and checking references. By taking the time to find the right RN candidate, healthcare providers can ensure that their patients receive the best possible care.

Quickstart Guide to Hiring A Registered Nurse

  1. Go to ZipRecruiter and sign up for their free trial. Check out existing registered nurse job postings to get an idea of what other employers are posting. Post your first job for free. ZipRecruiter is consistently ranked the best job posting site by our team so we stand by our recommendation. 
  2. Go to our RN job description, steal the template, customize for your needs, and post it on Ziprecruiter.

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How to Hire A Registered Nurse In 3 Steps

1. Write A Compelling Job Description

The first step in hiring a registered nurse is to write a compelling job description that will attract the right candidates. The job description should include the following:

  • Job Title: Clearly state that you are looking for a registered nurse.
  • Job Summary: Provide a brief overview of the job and its responsibilities.
  • Qualifications: List the minimum qualifications required for the job, such as education, licensure, and experience.
  • Skills: Identify the essential skills required for the job, such as communication, critical thinking, and attention to detail.
  • Benefits: Highlight the benefits of working for your organization, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

A well-written job description will help you attract qualified candidates who are a good fit for your organization.

Writing a job description is a crucial step in the recruitment process, especially for registered nurse positions. According to a survey conducted by Indeed, 87% of job seekers said that a clear and detailed job description was important when considering a job opportunity.

For registered nurse positions, a detailed job description is particularly important due to the high demand for qualified nurses. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment of registered nurses will grow 6% from 2021 to 2031, which is faster than the average for all occupations.

A clear job description can help attract qualified candidates and ensure that they have the necessary skills and experience to provide high-quality patient care. Additionally, a comprehensive job description can help reduce conflicts and improve performance evaluations by setting clear expectations for the role.

2. Create A Referral Program

Creating a referral program is an effective way to find qualified candidates for the registered nurse position. Encourage your employees to refer their friends and colleagues who are registered nurses. Offer an incentive, such as a bonus or extra vacation days, for successful referrals.

A referral program can help you find candidates who are a good fit for your organization and who are more likely to stay with your organization for a longer period.

Here are 5 steps to create a referral program for finding eligible RN candidates:

  1. Determine incentives: Consider what incentives to offer employees who refer a qualified RN, such as cash bonuses, extra time off, or other perks.
  2. Create a clear job description: Outline the qualifications, responsibilities, and expectations of the position in a concise job description.
  3. Promote the program: Use email, social media, and other communication channels to let employees know about the program and incentives.
  4. Track referrals: Keep track of all referrals and follow up with candidates. Keep employees informed of the progress of their referrals.
  5. Evaluate effectiveness: After the program has been in place for a while, evaluate its effectiveness based on factors such as number of referrals, quality of candidates, and cost savings.

3. Post The Registered Nurse Job Online

Posting the registered nurse job online is an effective way to reach a large audience of potential candidates. You can post the job opening on your company website, job boards, and social media platforms to increase visibility.

You can also use targeted advertising to reach candidates who have the necessary skills and experience. There are several job posting sites and websites that cater specifically to the healthcare industry. Here are a few to consider:

By posting your registered nurse job opening on these sites, you can reach a large pool of qualified candidates and increase your chances of finding the right person for the job.

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Why Hire A Registered Nurse?

Registered nurses (RNs) are essential members of any healthcare team. They are trained and licensed to provide direct patient care, as well as to coordinate care with other healthcare professionals. Here are some reasons why hiring a registered nurse is a wise decision:

1. Expertise and Training

Registered nurses are highly trained professionals who have completed a rigorous education and licensing process. They have a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology, and are skilled at performing a wide range of medical procedures. They are also trained in patient assessment and monitoring and are experts at identifying and addressing potential health problems before they become serious.

2. Patient Advocacy

Registered nurses are patient advocates, and work tirelessly to ensure that their patients receive the best possible care. They are skilled at communicating with patients and their families and can help to explain complex medical information in a way that is easy to understand. They also work closely with other healthcare professionals to ensure that their patients receive comprehensive care that meets all of their needs.

3. Flexibility and Adaptability

Registered nurses are highly adaptable professionals who can work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. They are also able to work with patients of all ages and with a wide range of medical conditions. This flexibility makes them an invaluable asset to any healthcare team and ensures that they can provide the highest level of care to all of their patients.

4. Cost-Effective Care

Registered nurses can provide cost-effective care to patients, which can help to reduce healthcare costs overall. They are skilled at identifying potential health problems before they become serious, which can help to prevent costly hospitalizations and other medical interventions. They are also able to provide education and support to patients and their families, which can help to improve health outcomes and reduce the need for medical care in the future.

If you want to become a nurse, check out our guide on how to become a nurse. We also recommend updating your nursing resume.

What Does It Cost To Hire A Registered Nurse?

Hiring a registered nurse (RN) can be a significant investment for any healthcare organization. It's essential to understand the costs associated with hiring an RN to make informed decisions.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for registered nurses is $86,070. However, this number can vary based on factors such as education, experience, and location. It's crucial to offer competitive salaries to attract and retain qualified RNs.

Recruitment Spend

Recruiting RNs can be a costly process. Employers may need to spend money on job postings, advertising, and recruitment agencies.

According to an industry study in 2023, the average cost of staff RN turnover is $52,350 per position, which includes recruitment and onboarding expenses. This is a 13.5% increase from the previous year. The study also found that it takes an average of 95 days to fill a vacant RN position, regardless of specialty. This is 8 days slower than the previous year, which is attributed to traditional recruiting and staffing firms that rely on outdated databases and lengthy pay negotiations. These factors cause delays in credentialing and the hiring process.

Tuition Reimbursement

Offering tuition reimbursement programs can be an attractive benefit for RNs. These programs can help offset the cost of continuing education and encourage RNs to stay with the organization long-term. However, it's essential to factor in the cost of tuition reimbursement when calculating the total cost of hiring an RN.

Other Costs

Other costs associated with hiring an RN can include background checks, drug screenings, and health insurance. It's essential to factor in these costs when calculating the total cost of hiring an RN.

Skills To Look For In A Registered Nurse

When hiring a registered nurse, it's essential to look for specific skills that are crucial to providing quality patient care. Here are some skills to look for in a registered nurse:

Patient Care Skills

A registered nurse should have excellent patient care skills, including the ability to provide comfort and attention to detail. They should be able to perform routine tasks, such as taking vital signs, administering medications, and maintaining a sterile field. They should also be able to handle critical situations and make decisions quickly and efficiently.

Communication Skills

Communication skills are vital for registered nurses, as they need to be able to communicate effectively with patients, their families, and other medical professionals. They should be able to explain medical procedures and conditions in a way that is easy to understand. They should also be able to listen actively and respond appropriately to patients' concerns.

Collaborative and Adaptable

A registered nurse should be able to work collaboratively with other medical professionals, including doctors, therapists, and other nurses. They should be able to adapt to new situations and work effectively in a team environment.

Safety Standards

A registered nurse should be knowledgeable about safety standards and able to follow them to ensure the safety of patients and themselves. They should be able to identify potential hazards and take appropriate action to prevent them.

Critical Thinking and Efficiency

A registered nurse should have excellent critical thinking skills, including the ability to analyze patient data and make informed decisions. They should also be able to work efficiently, managing their time effectively to provide quality patient care.

Best Places To Find Registered Nurses

Job Posting Sites & Job Boards

Job posting sites like ZipRecruiter and are great places to find RNs. They offer a large pool of potential candidates from all over the country, allow you to target your job listing to specific audiences, are easy to use, and cost-effective.

Many job posting sites also offer resume databases that allow you to search for qualified candidates who may not have seen your job listing. By using job posting sites, you can increase your chances of finding the right RN for your job opening while minimizing recruitment costs and time.

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Professional Organizations

 Professional nursing organizations, such as the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the National League for Nursing (NLN), offer job boards and career centers where you can post job openings and search for RN candidates.

Work With A Medical Recruiter

 RNs are in high demand, and finding qualified candidates can be challenging. One way to connect with potential candidates is to work with medical recruiters who have access to a wide network of healthcare professionals. Medical recruiters can help with the entire hiring process, from sourcing and screening candidates to negotiating offers and onboarding new hires.

To find medical recruiters, you can search online for medical recruiting firms or agencies that specialize in healthcare staffing. You can also ask for referrals from colleagues in the healthcare industry or attend job fairs and industry events to connect with recruiters. Professional networking sites such as LinkedIn can also be a great resource for finding and connecting with medical recruiters.

Employee Referral Programs

Employee referral programs can be a great way to find RN candidates. Encourage your current employees to refer qualified candidates and offer incentives for successful referrals.

Staffing Agencies 

Staffing agencies that specialize in healthcare staffing can help you find RN candidates quickly and efficiently. These agencies have access to a large pool of RN candidates and can help with the entire hiring process, from sourcing and screening candidates to negotiating offers and onboarding new hires. By utilizing these resources, healthcare facilities can increase their chances of finding the right RN candidate for their job opening while minimizing recruitment costs and time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements to become a registered nurse?

To become a registered nurse, one must complete a nursing program that is approved by the state's board of nursing. This program can be a diploma program, an associate degree program, or a bachelor's degree program. After completing the program, the individual must pass the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) to obtain a license to practice as a registered nurse.

What skills are required for a nurse?

Nurses must possess a variety of skills to provide quality healthcare to their patients. Some of the essential skills include excellent communication skills, critical thinking skills, and attention to detail. Nurses must also have strong interpersonal skills, be able to work in a team, and have the ability to adapt to changing situations quickly. Additionally, nurses must be physically and mentally fit to handle the demands of the job.

What is the job outlook for nurses?

The job outlook for registered nurses is excellent. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of registered nurses is projected to grow 6% from 2021 to 2031, which is faster than the average for all occupations. The demand for healthcare services is expected to increase as the population ages, which will lead to an increased need for healthcare professionals.

Bottom Line

Hiring a registered nurse is a crucial decision for any healthcare facility or organization.

However, finding the right candidate doesn't end with the recruitment process. Conducting a thorough interview process is crucial to ensure the candidate has the necessary skills and experience. Additionally, offering competitive compensation and benefits can help attract and retain top talent.

In a field where staff turnover can cost an average of $52,350 per position, it's crucial to find and keep the right candidate. By following these tips, healthcare facilities can find and retain the right registered nurse to provide high-quality patient care.